
Building a caring community, promoting the teachings of our Lord and Savior

Membership at Arouca Revival Tabernacle (ART) is not the same as member at a club. When we hear the word membership, we immediately think of a club. A member pays dues, comes to meetings, and fulfills the obligations of a club member. When you move, or no longer have time for the club, you simply withdraw your membership and move on.


At ART, membership is much more intimate. “For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body” (Eph. 5:29-30).

To be a church member means we are a member of Christ’s body—just like your finger is a member of your body. His blood runs through us. His Spirit animates us. His will moves us. He feels our pain, cleanses us when we get dirty, nurses our wounds, and cherishes us with pride.

Leaving the church is not simply leaving a club. When you walk away, you dismember yourself from the body. Jesus and the rest of the body sorely miss you, and bleed after your departure. You cut yourself off from your only source of life and nourishment. Like an amputated hand, you will slowly bleed out, wither, and die.

Join Us

Sunday Morning Worship

Who can become a member

The Church Leadership  receives into membership anyone who gives evidence of an experience of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and a desire to follow Him faithfully; have been baptized in water by immersion according to Matthew 28:19; who has a good reputation as to life and character; and who accepts the Statement of Faith, and By-Laws of PAWI.

Why become a member

Members Should


Since joining this church community the experience has been awesome. Such wonderful people. God's presence is abound
Brian Jones

What to expect of members